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Copyright ©
Beam Software 1998
KKnD2: Krossfire
EvolvedSurvivorsSeries 9

Survivors' Power Station Cost (RU):
Tech Level:

Once you have your Outpost set up you had better start thinking about how to keep those Resource Units (RUs) rolling in. Locate an oil deposit and set up one of these nearby. Once you have a Drill Rig set up on the oil seam, you're in business.

Each Power Station comes with its own Oil Tanker that will automatically fetch oil from the nearest Drill Rig. It's recommended that you have a few of these around the place to ensure a good RU income. Upgrading your Power Station will ensure a more efficient yield from each load of oil. Additionally, try to construct a few extra oil tankers from your Machine Shop. This will ensure a healthy stream of RUs coming in to help the war effort.

Outpost | Barracks | Machine Shop | Armory | Power Station | Drill Rig | Research Lab | Repair Bay | Barricade | Solar Collector | Force Wall | Thermal Exchanger | Sentry Gun | Cannon Tower | Anti-aircraft Tower | Laser Destroyer Tower

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