KKND2: Krossfire takes
all that was hailed from KKND and KKND Xtreme and whips it up into an enormous
molotov cocktail of real-time strategy fury. The Survivors are back, freshened
up after spending 40 years away from the radioactive surface. The evolved
are there as well, fired up after spending 40 years in radiation
and becoming even more mutated. And the Series 9, agricultural robots
gone REAL wrong, have shown up to punish humanity for ruining their livelihood.
It's gonna be a great war, so long as you keep a head on your shoulders.

Features of KKnD2
- 51 single player missions in a non-linear structure
- Three different armies to choose from: the militant Survivors, the mutated Evolved and the mad-as-hell Series 9 Robots.
- Over 50 units - land and all-new air and amphibious - for each team
- Advanced CPU AI learns from terrain and continually uses scouts to assess the players' strengths and weaknesses
- Multiplayer support for up to 8 participants (including CPU players) using TCP/IP and LAN, with 20 multiplayer maps provided
- Full mission editor for single and mulitplayer maps
- Custom made constructible units and fully editable existing units
- 3D terrain emulation allows player tactics such as high ground advantage, trap setting and hiding underground
- Fog of War with true line of sight allows for hiding and ambushing
- New unit controls - Waypoints and new orders including fight, defend and patrol
- alternative power sources - can't get to the oil? build a windmill!
- KKND2 uses the FAMOUSTM facial motion capture system to bring the rendered mission briefings to life
- 3 all-new, fabulous-looking landscapes: Highlands, Urban and Desert allow terrain interaction, including destructible bridges
System Requirements:
Pentium 133
16 Meg Memory
4x CD-ROM drive
SVGA Graphics Card with 2 Meg RAM
100 meg hard disk space
Format: Windows 95, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 98, Windows XP
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish & Mandarin