Super Devormed - zaxxon@mail.com
Ok, I have a simple strategy, and it is when the first mission against the Series 9, simply blow up the two bridges on the north east and south east of your base, and when the oil drill got sent to your base, build it at the south, then the towers, then kill!!!
anonymous - |
First, send your technicians to the east direction. Try to stay as low to the map as possible or you'll alert thost really big kick ass machines. Charge your way through the patrolbot or whatever you call it, and get the first mech. Once done,the rest will be really easy. Just remember: do not send your technicians too far away from your mechs. Always keep them near your mechs for protection. Scout the whole map and get 4 mechs. Once done, find the base and send it all ta hell! And done worry 'bout your force going down, don't tell me that the enemy can possibly kill a mech? Also, the com base does not train any units. A really easy mission. You'd gotta be kiddin' if ya can't get through this one!
submit your own strategy here!